

What’s Flourish?

Flourish is a platform based on getting community feedback on portfolios, the concept Is backed by the idea that people would ask those they know for feedback on their portfolio.

UI Designer


Amadeus Cameron, Nina Otto, Natalie Luong


Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop

Initial Scope

We assumed that after school, people entering the field would be burnt out. We tested and challenged that assumption through our approach to research.

Our Goal

Understand what our alumni feel as they enter the UX Design field, with a broad scope to be mindful of cognitive bias. Develop questions that could help us understand whether they’ve experienced burnout.

Discovery Reframe

With the initial discovery from users, we learned that the actual process of preparing for the application process can be more painful than the job hunt itself. Following methods that others have performed, like creating a portfolio, case study slideshow, applications, LinkedIns, interview preparation, and following through to phases of negotiating and accepting job offers.

How Might We Create a tool that can aid students to create content that showcases their skills in a compelling way?

How Might We Help students feel like they are moving forward through the process by sharing their work with people they choose?


Using our insights, we began to ideate on ways to attack the issues our target audience faces in the application process. We had a lot of different and interesting approaches to our challenge in this stage - exploring ways to attack it from different POVs. We came down between 2 concepts Bit by Bit and Embellish; The latter evolving into Flourish


We wanted to understand how people utilize our portfolio
reviewing platform in a test that takes them through
our platform's main features, commenting and
reviewing a peer’s portfolio, as well as receiving a
portfolio review. How does feedback help their
overall progress and improvement in their portfolio? We tested 4 different areas: giving feedback, receiving feedback, low-fi feedback, and, card sorting.


This was a complicated process and took many back and forth to finalize design decisions. The biggest struggle was getting the information architecture on our platform; after a while, we got how everything should flow in our platform.

Final Iteration