

What’s Buddi?

Buddi is an app that helps connect new hires to their work culture and expand their network within the company. As the workplace continues to change into a hybrid world, new hires, especially, have felt isolated when entering a company. Buddi connects coworkers in a spontaneous way by getting them to connect during lunch

Visual Designer


Amadeus Cameron, Celine Pyun,

Maria Cianne Lactao, Nina Otto


Adobe Illustrator


In our secondary research, we found that 70% of firms are switching to a hybrid work environment. We conducted 14 interviews and surveyed 33 people. Taking the data we collected from the interviews and survey, we laid it all out on a rainbow spreadsheet where we found around 200 insights.

From the insights we created stickers to affinities; we further affinitied the stickies to gather a more clear key insight from the raw data.

Key insights into how the workplace is changing:

  1. offices are a place for building relationships

  2. In-Person days need to have a purpose

  3. Most of the work is being done at home

  4. The New Hire experience isn't being taken into account

  5. New hires feel disconnected from their work culture

HOW MIGHT WE connect new hires to their work culture in a spontaneous way?


Once the insights were clear that the workspace is changing to hybrid and new hires aren’t feeling the work culture from their online onboarding, we focused on how might we connect new hires to their work culture in a spontaneous way?

From here we began the ideation phase where we drew ideas using the crazy 8 methods. together we had around 160 ideas we sketched spontaneous ways to connect new hires to their work culture. We narrowed down our ideas into a few concepts but, we went with the concept that would ultimately become Buddi

UI Wireframes

We began to rough draft sketching wireframes for the UI through wireframing tools on Figma. Once we got good mid-fi prototypes we began to user-test the concept and UI

We created personas and user journeys to not only help us tell a story but, guide us through UI ideas and decide on features.

& Personas

User Testing

We began to conduct different types of user tests in order to understand the user’s overall end experience with meeting new people in a spontaneous way. we also looked into how the users would react to our interface design and what they would like to see in the interface.

END EXPERIENCE TEST: 3 Wizard of Oz, 2 Pilot Tests

Our learning goals:

  • do people actually enjoy this experience?

  • Are they making real connections?

  • Should there be a meeting time constraint?

what we learned from these tests:

  • People enjoyed having to discover the people they were meeting, rather than knowing too much about them beforehand.

  • Time constraints limited strong connections and discovery.

UI TEST: 19 Test, 2 Focus groups, Card Sorting

Our learning goals:

  • do people feel comfortable with the app?

  • Is there more information users need?

what we learned from these tests:

  • be able to communicate with who they meet.

  • User’s preferred meeting at lunch as it is more casual.

  • User felt more comfortable when having the commonality of being from the same company.